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Kryptokonsult / Blockchain-projektkonsult Ross Davis
Nu tillgänglig som konsult för blockchain- och kryptoprojekt: 
Ross Davis

Grundare, Global Crypto Press Association.

Ross Davis, grundare av Global Crypto Press Association, är nu tillgänglig som konsult för blockchain- och kryptoprojekt. Med en stor erfarenhet inom kryptovaluta- och blockkedjebranschen erbjuder Ross ovärderlig expertis och insikter för att vägleda ditt projekt mot framgång.

In 2016, Ross embarked on a solo journey as a crypto trader and began blogging his thoughts on the market. A few months later,  crypto hit the mainstream, and the number of people searching for crypto related content exploded. With a heavy focus on exposing some of the first big crypto scams, content often went viral as readers shared it. Suddenly the blog he started for fun was getting serious traffic. Companies were contacting him to review their projects, marketing firms wanted to buy ads, and Ross saw the potential in front of him.

From a Lone Blogger, to an International News Publication...

Set on seizing the opportunity, in 2017 he set out to build a team of international crypto journalists who shared his ethics and vision for the future of crypto. But how? Back then there were maybe a dozen people in the entire world considered 'crypto journalists' - and they were already employed or running their own publications.

Active in several online crypto communities (forums, social media groups) Ross noticed they all had a few members that stood out, people who would post in-depth analysis, well-thought opinions, or breaking news. 
These people were posting exactly what a 'crypto journalist's should be covering and publishing as articles.

So he gave several of them a simple proposition: make some slight changes to the format of your posts, publish the same information as an article, and officially become a freelance journalist. 

It worked - and today The Global Crypto Press team features journalists across the United States, Europe, and Asia, all who report to Ross in his role as Editor in Chief.

Att säkerställa enkel tillgång till GCP:s innehåll för allmänheten har alltid varit en högsta prioritet. Du kan hitta deras nyheter på den officiella webbplatsen på, såväl som genom partnerskap med Apple News och Google News, standardnyhetsapplikationerna för både iPhone och Android.

Bakom kulisserna har Ross samarbetat med många projekt i deras förlanseringsfaser...

GCP är känt som en av de bästa pressmeddelande distribution tjänster inom kryptoindustrin, efter att ha publicerat över 1,500 350 pressmeddelanden för mer än XNUMX olika projekt på plattformar som Bloomberg, MarketWatch, Yahoo Finance och många fler.

Denna unika kombination av att övervaka nyhetsbevakning och PR-tjänster ger Ross ett värdefullt perspektiv på branschens utveckling. Kombinera detta med erfarenhet, och man får förmågan att upptäcka nya och föränderliga trender i sina tidigaste skeden.

Ross är exakt vem projekt bör söka input från...

With respect for both your time and his, Ross only delivers realistic actionable suggestions. This includes ways to improve the project overall, public messaging, marketing and PR guidance, as well as evaluating additional opportunities and partnerships that may have been overlooked.

Over the past six years, Ross has cultivated an extensive contact network of key players and influencers in the cryptocurrency and blockchain community. His reputation as a thoughtful commentator means that when he reaches out to someone, they typically respond - which can have a larger impact than you think.

Whether you're launching a token, developing a decentralized app, or building any kind of business using blockchain, Ross has the experience, reputation, and expertise to position your project for success.

För att diskutera möjligheten att Ross kommer med i ditt projekt som konsult, vänligen kontakta oss på Consulting (på)

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